a colorful journey through the emotions!
The contest
“Coloravirus’’ – The defeat of the coronavirus through the eyes of children: a colorful journey between emotions” will last until everything is back to normal, registration is free, everyone will be winners and will have a certificate of participation.
When everything has returned to normal, an exhibition will be set up and everyone together from anywhere in this land will make a great party. During that time it will be handed over to all those who have drawn up, a certificate of participation.The registration is free. Send your elaboration following the instructions that you will find in the regulation
Send the Drawing
About us
Siamo onde dello stesso mare
Foglie dello stesso albero
Fiori dello stesso giardino
And together we will win….
We color, we draw this “monster” that scares us so much, and that we don’t understand, it scares me little Chinese, you little European, you little African, it scares every children on this Earth.
You’re blond, I’m black, I’m yellow but the fear is the same for all of us with the same color.
Let’s hope it will end quickly, everything goes back to normal, that I, little baby can run and play together with many other maybe different, but children like me. And then come on, color, draw this ugly “monster” as well as the eyes of us children recognize him.
This is the purpose of “COLORAVIRUS” many drawings of the children of this land children of the same garden.
Your design, mine, his will be our vaccine against the monster and fear, go and
draw, color and then send me what your baby heart has designed, and that day, when it’s all over, all together from wherever in this land we will have a great party that will involve all these leaves of the same tree from anywhere in the world.
Three small leaves of the same tree
Alice, Melissa, Elizabethe
Associazione “Sulle orme di Alessandra Chiaretta”
Associazione “Ideando”
Comune di Pietra Ligure
Comune di Osiglia
Associazione disciplinare CONSCOM
Comune di Sant’Elia Fiumerapido
Associazione Hope